Dallas Location:
Hiram Location:
One of the first comments I hear frequently when potential clients call my office is "I'm not sure if I even need a lawyer for this." And that is understandable. While some issues are complex and not easily navigated by laypeople, others are simple and do not require an attorney. Knowing the difference is important, and the good news is, I will tell you. I pride myself on honesty and integrity, and I will not accept your case if you will be better off without my involvement.
Some firms will sign you up, file their fee agreement or accept your fee or written promise to pay a fee, and begin the process of handling the claim without regard to whether this is the best thing for you and your case. I will not. I analyze every case on its own merits, and I advise potential clients on how to proceed in the event hiring a lawyer is not in their best interest at this time. I frequently turn away cases because my involvement will only complicate the situation. The reason is simple and two-fold. First, I do what is right for our clients, always. I tell potential clients frequently "I do not want you to be worse off because you hired me." Second, it is good business. While I love getting new cases and being able to earn fees on my work, I do not want a reputation in the community for signing and churning files and taking fees on cases that end up harming my clients. Because I live and work here, I have to look you in the eye, and I have to live with the reputation my actions warrant.
A few examples. Say you have a worker's comp case, and the employer is working with you on limited duty work, and the insurer is paying what they owe and sending you to the doctor. If your injury is minor and you would prefer to keep your job, you probably do not need an attorney. So long as your insurer is doing what they are supposed to do and your employer is treating you fairly, you may be better off without my help. I will tell you that.
Another example. Say you have three traffic citations, one for too fast for conditions, one for speeding 14 miles per hour over the speed limit, and a third for an expired tag. All of these citations result in zero points on your license. Unless you are a commercial driver, where the cumulative violations are reportable and can affect your qualifications to drive commercial vehicles and earn a living, you are probably better off working with the solicitor to get the best deal you can. All of these citations result in zero points on your license, and are non-reportable for Georgia resident license holders who are not commercial license holders. Even if you pay me to represent you, the outcome will still be zero points, non-reportable for a Georgia non-commercial license holder. The only difference is, I will have more money and you will have less. If you call me with those facts, I will tell you that. Paying us to obtain an outcome you could obtain yourself only helps me in the very short term. Once clients begin to figure out their lawyer is fleecing them, it will only hurt me in the long run. So I don't do it, because it isn't worth it.
Other cases are more complicated. Say you have a workers' compensation claim and the employer has returned you to work "light duty," but is not complying with your work restrictions, and they are not providing you medical treatment you need to get better. In most cases, you need a lawyer to help with this. If your employer and its worker's comp insurer are not playing by the rules early, the likelihood they will play by the rules later on is pretty slim. Or suppose you have a car wreck case where you were injured, but the insurance company for the at-fault driver is telling you they assess a certain percentage of fault to you. Some insurers do this as a matter of course. It is possible hiring an attorney will result in you getting less of a recovery because even with the reduced percentage, the attorney's fee will be more than what you are giving up. But more often, an attorney can help maximize your recovery by ensuring that all elements of damages are accounted for, and by ensuring that your medical records and billings are properly submitted to show a fuller picture of your injuries and damages.
There are, of course, obvious cases. If your workers' compensation claim is denied, you will not usually convince an insurance adjuster to change his or her mind without an attorney to assist you. Often, claim denials are valid. In my experience, at least as often they are based on one-sided and self-serving readings of the law. Or say you are charged with driving on a suspended license, or DUI. These are charges that are not easily navigable without an attorney's help. Or perhaps you have been in a car wreck with significant property damage and bodily injury. Knowing how to navigate the at-fault driver's policy limits, your health insurer's subrogation rights, and maximize your recovery without getting into more legal trouble is not something that is within the expertise of most laypeople. I will tell you that, too.
Trust is important to me. When you call my office, I will discuss every aspect of your case with you and help you make an informed decision as to whether hiring me is in your best interest. Ultimately, the decision to hire an attorney is yours. I will give you all of the information you need to make a good decision.
Garner Law Office P.C. Proudly Serves The Following Areas and All of Metro Atlanta and West Georgia
Contact Information
Fax: (770) 693-1751
Office Hours
Dallas Office:
215 Main St Dallas, Georgia 30132-4261
Hiram Office (by appointment only):
5888 Wendy Bagwell Pkwy, Suite C, Hiram GA 30141